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I have created a 3 step programed to clean your mind of all negative Emotions, Feeling, Fears and limiting believes that you have been accumulation your whole entire life. You clean your house? You clear your Car? But when was the last time you clean your mind? We carry a lot of limited beliefs, fears, anger's, resentment, feeling of unworthiness plus much more. Don't you think it's time to release all those thing that no longer service you. We all deserve to be Happy and this is the perfect plan to begin on your path to endless happiness.


Brenda Castano


Certified Hypnotherapist, Certified PSYCH-K,

Sound Healing and Meditation Teacher



I been doing research on our existence for the past 15yrs, it's been an amazing journey and now it's my turn to share my gift with everybody that is looking for answers. I have studied many healing modality in order to heal our past pain. We are what we believe and a lot of the time those beliefs are very negative and limited. It's time to take control over your life.




I love the Sound Healing classes with Brenda. Every class is warm and inviting. So much energy is felt in the room when the class gets together.

                         Rachael Vaz


Had a wonderful time at my first sound healing with Brenda. The power of the vibrational effect of the crystal bowls is unlike anything I've ever experienced. time to get in tune.


      Vartan Kouyoumjian




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